Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We Are One

As you already know, life is not fair and we all do not have equal opportunites. Yet, we are equal. We are all human beings in this world, fighting to live our life, stay strong, and make a name for ourselves. Shouldn't that be enough for us all to have equal rights and be treated fairly? No one person is "better" than another. Who is defining "better," anyway? Many Christians believe that we are all created in God's image, yet these same people judge and make fun of people who are different from them. For example, they may say that homosexual people are "disgusting," "people with no morals," or that they are a "waste of space" and "they should die." But if God was standing next to them would they say that? Of course not. I am not trying to "bash" Christians in any way (I am also Catholic), because there are many good people in this world. I am aware that everyone in this world is not perfect. However, what I don't understand is why they feel the need to say such things. Don't they see how big of hypocrites they are being? Just because someone is different from you and doesn't follow what you believe, doesn't mean you have to put them up on a pedestal, throw your mean insults at them, and treat them like dirt! Doesn't God want us to love each other, and treat EVERYONE with respect and kindness?! Don't you think He would appreciate that? And for everyone, including those who don't believe in God, can't you just imagine, for one minute, how great the world would be if there weren't people constantly getting into fights and insulting each other? Everyone was included, no one left out just because they are "different." People cooperating, accomplishing goals, making progress, and creating a greater sense of love and peace in the world. Doesn't that sound amazing? Also, doesn't that sound like something that God would want? It may not be possible to change all of the world, but that isn't the main goal. What we need to do is change ourselves. We can have equality in this world, but only if you truly want it. If you think that some people in this world don't deserve to have what you have, like happiness, respect, people who love you, and equal opportunities under the law... you need to think again, and again, until you finally realize how horrible that is. We can make a change, but only if you agree to.

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